It is a treatment process for people who have muscle, joint and bone problems. The aim is to increase mobility, reduce pain and restore functions. Recovery is achieved using physical therapy, exercises and manual therapy methods. Orthopedic rehabilitation, is important for post-surgical recovery. Each treatment is planned individually.
In Which Situations Is Orthopedic Rehabilitation Performed?
It is necessary to accelerate the healing process and minimize loss of function in individuals who have suffered a bone fracture or joint dislocation. It is important to increase mobility and gain muscle strength after orthopedic surgery. For example, it can be applied after hip, knee prosthesis or spine surgery. It is applied for pain management in patients who have difficulty moving due to calcification in the joint. It is recommended to increase muscle strength due to sports injuries or trauma on the musculoskeletal system. In cases such as spinal deformities or posture disorders, posture can be corrected with appropriate exercises.
Back pain can be relieved. It is applied to support treatment after trauma such as sprains in sports. In cases such as spinal problems, herniated discs and neck hernias, it is necessary to manage pain and strengthen muscles. Therefore, to prevent nerve compression orthopedic rehabilitation It may be necessary. It provides relief for individuals experiencing pain, stiffness and fatigue in muscles and joints. After the loss of a limb, it is important to increase muscle strength and provide functional mobility for the use of prosthesis. Rehabilitation is customized to each individual's needs. It is supported by various methods such as physical therapy, exercise, manual therapy.
How is Orthopedic Rehabilitation Done?
The first stage is to determine the patient's condition and needs. The evaluation made by the physical therapist is done by analyzing muscle strength, range of motion, posture, and pain level. One of the first goals of rehabilitation is to manage pain. Pain is controlled with methods such as physical therapy, drug therapy, hot-cold application, and electrotherapy. Orthopedic rehabilitation Another important goal of the process is to increase joint range of motion and muscle strength. Passive and active stretching exercises, resistance exercises, and mobilization techniques are used at this stage. It is critical for strengthening the muscles. Strengthening exercises increase the patient's ability to move by strengthening the muscles again.
It includes balance and coordination exercises. This allows patients to control their bodies correctly and prevent falls. To achieve this, special exercises are performed to improve balance. During the treatment process, the patient is aimed to become more independent in daily life activities. Functional exercises such as walking, climbing stairs, and carrying increase the patient's quality of life. The patient is educated on what to do during the treatment process. In addition, for athletes, the rehabilitation process continues with a focus on improving performance after recovery. Orthopedic rehabilitation The process is individual. Recovery time may vary depending on the patient's age, physical condition and severity of injury. Regular follow-up and following the therapist's recommendations are important for success.
Things to Consider After Orthopedic Rehabilitation
During the rehabilitation process, it is extremely important to follow the instructions given by the physiotherapist. This ensures that the correct exercises are done, the movements are followed carefully and other important steps are taken. Failure to follow the instructions can delay the healing process and cause complications. Patients are given specific exercise programs. These exercises are done to strengthen the muscles and increase flexibility. Continuing the exercises regularly accelerates recovery and provides a healthy range of motion in the long term. During the healing process, straining or overloading the injured area can lead to a new injury.
Orthopedic rehabilitation In the early stages of the process, the focus is on reducing pain and excessive movement should be avoided during this process. Over time, as muscles and joints become stronger, more movement and loading can be done. A large part of physical recovery is achieved with adequate rest and sleep. After rehabilitation, the body needs rest and renewal. Therefore, it is necessary to get enough sleep and rest regularly. Otherwise, the recovery process can be prolonged. Orthopedic rehabilitation It is necessary to pay attention to these items after. It will help the treatment process to progress faster and healthier. It is important to be patient and act in accordance with the healing process during this process.