Pain Treatments
Ozone Treatment
In this article, we would like to inform you about ozone therapy. Ozone therapy is the use of medical ozone gas for therapeutic purposes. Ozone is a gas composed of three oxygen atoms and can support some natural healing processes in the body. Here is more information about ozone therapy.
In this article, I would like to give you information about prolotherapy treatment. Prolotherapy is a treatment method that you apply as a physical therapist. This treatment is used to promote healing and re-strengthening of damaged or weak areas in the body. Prolotherapy works by injecting solutions into damaged tissues that trigger the natural healing process. Here is more information about prolotherapy treatment:
In this article, we want to help you reduce pain and promote healing by providing information about radiofrequency therapy. Radiofrequency therapy is a minimally invasive treatment method used especially in chronic pain conditions. By using electromagnetic radiofrequency energy, the source of the pain is directly affected and the nerves are blocked from conducting.
Non-surgical Physique Treatment
In this article, we want to help you reduce pain and relax by providing information about non-surgical hernia treatment. A hernia is a condition in which the discs in the spine protrude abnormally and is often seen in the neck and lumbar regions. Non-surgical hernia treatment is an approach used to relieve pain and restore function without the need for surgery.
Platelet Rich Plasma
In this article, we would like to give you information about Platelet Rich Plasma treatment. Platelet Rich Plasma treatment is a treatment method based on the principle of enriching the blood taken from the body with a special process and applying the resulting platelets back to the patient. These platelets have a rich structure in terms of factors that support natural healing processes. Here is more information about Platelet Rich Plasma treatment:
Trigger Point Injection
In this article, I would like to inform you about trigger point injection treatment. Trigger point injection is a treatment method that specifically targets painful trigger points within the muscle. This treatment is used to relieve tension and pain in the muscles. Trigger point injection works by injecting local anesthetic or anti-inflammatory medication directly into the painful area. Here is more information about trigger point injection treatment:
Shoulder Joint Pain
The shoulder joint is known for having the widest range of motion in our body. This wide range of motion also makes the shoulder vulnerable to various problems. One of the most common causes of shoulder pain is shoulder impingement syndrome. This condition occurs when the muscle tendon that is compressed between the shoulder bones and allows the arm to be lifted up is damaged. The damage can cause pain radiating to the arm and sometimes serious problems that can lead to tendon rupture.
Pain Mesotherapy
In this article, we would like to provide you with information about a natural pain management option by explaining the relationship between mesotherapy and pain management and the use of mesotherapy in pain management. Mesotherapy is an effective treatment method for relieving pain and improving quality of life.
Dry Needle
In this article, we want to help you relieve pain and promote healing by providing information about dry needling. Dry needling is a treatment method used for musculoskeletal problems. The needles are applied directly under the skin, into the muscles or connective tissue and are used to reduce pain, relax muscle tension and promote healing.
Low Back Pain
Bel ağrısı, günümüzde baş ağrılarından sonra en sık rastlanan ağrı türlerinden biridir. Yaşamın herhangi bir döneminde %85 oranında insan bu ağrıyı tecrübe eder. Bel omurları, hareketli yapıları nedeniyle sürekli yük altında olup, darbe ve hastalıklara karşı oldukça hassastır. Bel ağrıları, genellikle yanlış duruş, egzersiz eksikliği ve fazla kilo gibi nedenlerle ortaya çıkar ve zamanla bel kaslarının zayıflamasına neden olabilir.
Neck Pain
Boyun ağrısı, baş ağrılarından sonra en yaygın rastlanan sağlık problemlerinden biridir ve insanların %85’inde yaşamlarının bir döneminde ortaya çıkar. Boyun ağrısının nedenleri arasında yanlış duruş, egzersiz eksikliği ve uzun süre bilgisayar başında çalışma bulunur.Spor aktiviteleri veya trafik kazaları sırasında meydana gelen aşırı gerilimler, disklerde yırtılmalara neden olabilir.
Knee Joint Pain
Knee pain is a common complaint among adults and is usually caused by everyday activities such as walking, bending, standing, and lifting. Individuals who do sports that involve jumping or turning quickly, or who run, are more likely to experience knee pain and problems. The most common causes include sprains, meniscus tears, tendonitis, and inflammatory conditions such as arthritis in the bony structures that make up the joint.
Persistent Pain After Surgery
Persistent pain after back surgery is known as “Failed Back Surgery Syndrome” and is characterized by continued pain after surgery.