Neck Pain

neck hernia

Boyun ağrısı, baş ağrılarından sonra en yaygın rastlanan sağlık problemlerinden biridir ve insanların %85’inde yaşamlarının bir döneminde ortaya çıkar. Boyun ağrısının nedenleri arasında yanlış duruş, egzersiz eksikliği ve uzun süre bilgisayar başında çalışma bulunur. Spor aktiviteleri veya trafik kazaları sırasında meydana gelen aşırı gerilimler, disklerde yırtılmalara neden olabilir. Ayrıca, doğumsal bozukluklar veya omurgadaki kaymalar gibi yapısal problemler de ciddi boyun ağrılarına yol açabilir. Boyun ağrısının doğru tanısı, doktorun yapacağı kapsamlı fizik muayene ve çeşitli görüntüleme yöntemleri ile konulabilir.

Neck Pain Symptoms

In the case of a cervical disc herniation, the most common finding is pain radiating to the arm as a result of pressure on the nerve. In addition, symptoms such as numbness, tingling and burning sensations may be observed in the areas where the nerve is distributed. In cases other than a hernia, localized pain triggered by neck movement and not radiating to the arms is typical. Physical examination is essential for the diagnosis of a cervical disc herniation, where nerve functions are evaluated in terms of sensory and motor power loss. The diagnosis is confirmed by imaging methods such as direct radiography or magnetic resonance.

Neck Pain Treatment

The vast majority of patients diagnosed with a cervical disc herniation can be treated with methods that do not require surgery. Conservative methods such as medication, bed rest, and physical therapy are among the initial treatments preferred. If the pain cannot be controlled with these methods, more advanced treatment options such as drug injections into areas that directly press on the nerve, radiofrequency applications, or intra-disc ozone treatments come into play in the Algology department.

Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. If you have any concerns about any health issue or treatment options, it is important to consult a healthcare professional.
