Knee pain is a common complaint among adults and is usually caused by everyday activities such as walking, bending, standing, and lifting. Individuals who do sports that involve jumping or turning quickly, or who run, are more likely to experience knee pain and problems. The most common causes include sprains, meniscus tears, tendonitis, and inflammatory conditions such as arthritis in the bony structures that make up the joint.
Patients usually describe the pain as severe. The pain occurs when bending or straightening the knee, especially when walking down stairs, and when there is load on the knee. Locking and swelling of the knee are other common symptoms.
Knee Joint Pain Diagnosis
Diagnosis of knee pain is made through a detailed physical examination, standing direct X-rays, and imaging techniques such as MRI when necessary.
Knee Joint Pain Treatment
Treatment for knee pain primarily involves the patient getting support to lose excess weight. Additionally, resting the knee at intervals, applying ice for 15-20 minutes every 4-6 hours, wrapping the knee with an elastic bandage, and short-term use of anti-inflammatory medications are recommended. Stretching and strengthening exercises, as recommended by a physician, may also help reduce pain.
In severe cases of osteoarthritis, intra-articular hyaluronic acid injections may be recommended in addition to the above treatments. In some cases, meniscus surgery or knee replacement may be required. For patients who continue to have pain after replacement surgery, ultrasound-guided genicular nerve block and radiofrequency applications have recently provided long-term successful results.
Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. If you have any concerns about any health issue or treatment options, it is important to consult a healthcare professional.